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Exciting News! AFFINVITATIONAL Month is Here!

June is here, and you know what that means—it’s AFFINVITATIONAL MONTH!

We’ve been busy behind the scenes putting together an amazing program, and we can’t wait to share it with you.  Stay tuned for the big reveal soon, where you’ll find out exactly which round your athlete will be competing in!

The first two weeks of June will be packed with Award Weeks in class, where they’ll be working hard.  After that, we’ll dive into preparations and practice sessions to get ready for the big day.

Keep an eye here, on the member hub, for all the latest updates. We’ll post any new information there, so if you ever worry you might have missed an email, you can check in and stay up-to-date.

If you have any questions about the event, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!

Best regards,

Team Affinity


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