Gymnastics classes from age 14 mths+
Our core offering at Affinity are our Gymnastics classes. These classes include work on both floor and apparatus – think bars, beam, vault and tumble track.
If you aren’t sure where to start… start here – it’s a little bit of everything and provides a great grounding for moving into other gymnastics disciplines or competitive squads in the future should you wish.
This activity is where it all started as a club for us. Our aim was then (and still is!) to offer the best in gymnastics coaching whilst focusing on fun, especially for those that attend once a week – we do all we can to make that hour or so the best hour of your week! It’s all about coming and enjoying yourself, trying new things and progressing at your own rate.
We bring the gymnastics skills and friendly support, you bring a readiness to learn and try, add some fun and it’s a winning combination.
Gymnastics and tumbling locations

Timetable, term dates and availability
You can join us at any time. Check out our timetables for further information about term dates, days and times of our classes and availability.
We update classes with available slots on our timetable every few weeks. If you would like to receive updates on free taster classes and class availability, join our mailing list to stay updated. You can also email us at anytime to check availability!
try it - risk free!
We want to make sure you are happy and your child enjoys class with us. Once there is an available slot at the class, location and time you want, we’ll ask you to sign up to a membership and pay relevant fees. However if you sign up and decide it isn’t for you after the first one or two classes, we’ll refund the rest of the fees paid without any fuss.
We do it this way to ensure your place at the class, location and time you want remains secure throughout and after your trial period.
What to expect at affinity gymnastics classes
Of course you can start gymnastics at any age (even 80! seriously, it’s happened!) however we really see the best from those that start as young children. The benefit gained in learning how to use your body, social skills, responding to challenges and instilling fun with movement is extra important and pays dividends with our young ones.
Our coaches have an amazing connection with the children. Each child is provided with exactly what they need to succeed. From pre-school our gymnastics sessions are full of FUN, serious learning and kindness. We use various apparatus to develop the full range of gymnastics skills including flexibility, balance, coordination and rhythm. Starting in Pre-school each week the gymnasts work on floor skills and apparatus chosen from bars, beam, vault or tumble track.
It’s the best start in gymnastics possible and provides a grounding to progress further or develop into other gymnastic activities or other sports. We switch up the equipment each week, one class is never exactly the same as the previous one – this strikes a good balance between allowing the repetition needed to master skills with no chance of getting bored.
The class length progresses with age with Tiny Tots, 3-4yrs and 4-6yrs classes being 45 min (although we also have a 30 min EXPRESS class for age 3-5 yrs), 7-9yr olds have a 55 min class and 10-12yrs train for 80 min. For our 13-16+ classes we run a slightly different class format, where the gymnasts have extra choice and input into their training (with our help of course!). We find this works great for this age group.
Tumbling from age 4+
We also do floor based gymnastics (Tumbling). It’s a gymnastics discipline in its own right, plus an essential skill support class for our cheerleaders.
Tumbling classes are all floor based and about dynamic skills joined together into a series, using our sprung floors (and we’ve a MASSIVE sprung floor).
We focus on excellent technique as this is needed to then add on the next skill. We use a wide variety of skills and drills to break down and learn skills well. Whilst there are fewer skills to learn than gymnastics or other activities, the skills all eventually are performed in sequence one after another – so technical skill is super important.

Squad gymnastics from age 4+
A note on the wider world of competitive gymnastics – will my child go to the Olympics? Not to burst your bubble, but no, that’s not what we’re aiming for here.
We love the competitive gymnastics world but at elite level, it’s becoming waaaaay too elite. To reach national levels at the elite end, typically gymnasts train in excess of 12 hours per week, often more, from a very early age. It’s a BIG commitment for the whole family. That’s fab for those that wish to go there and we’ll be happy to recommend you alternative clubs should we feel a gymnast has potential for this route – we’re proud to assist in this as each gymnast’s development is most important to us, whether we get to teach them or not! At Affinity, we’re focusing in a different area of gymnastics.
We want our gymnasts to train hard, progress to their potential and perform well. But we also want them to be able to have other focuses in their life and family time. So we offer competitive opportunities at the lower side of training hours – its almost a different sport to the elite end now. But we love it and believe it allows a great balance. The competitions we enter have training hour limits which means we’re all on the same level playing field. We work efficiently in our training sessions to get the most out of the time we spend together, so you can also enjoy other activities.
How do I get into the squad?
Entry is by trial and invitation. We’re looking for gymnasts with the physical and mental potential to progress faster and to a higher performance level than our other class routes. For those already in other Affinity classes, our coaches continuously ‘talent ID’ and will nominate gymnasts for Squad internally. For those who aren’t currently Affinity gymnasts but would like to be considered, join an appropriate age gymnastics class or you can book a 121 session with our lead coach, Harriet, and she will assess if you are suitable.
plus our own unique award system
Each gymnast has their own book of progress through our own unique awards scheme. With stunning Affinity medals received for each level with the whole scheme reflecting our ethos that each athletes progress is unique to them.
In Tumble, each athlete will receive their own skills sheet, which lists a variety of tumbles they will work on during their classes. Each term, our coaches will diligently assess their progress, and as your child masters each skill, it will be ticked off by the coach.
In our Under 5’s classes, we reward with stickers and badges. Each child receives a coloured card for them to work through to master the foundational gymnastics skills.
At Affinity Academy, we embrace the uniqueness of every gymnast. We recognise that everyone has their own learning style and pace. Coaches place gymnasts on the most suitable starting award for their progression. They will then assess over three core areas for each award; skills, flexibility and conditioning which can be passed in any order.
For more details on our award schemes, check out the details in our member hub HERE